Thursday, 1 October 1987

Paul moves to Mount Todd gold mine

Around October 1987 Bruce moved to Mount Todd which was near Edith Falls, between Pine Creek and Katherine.

It was a big move and expansion for Bruce as he had to get a large loan for all sorts of machinery including a new Kobelco 30 ton excavator and 3 Terex articulated 23 ton dump trucks.  A lot of investment in setting up the camp would've been required also.

Paul helped setup the new camp at Mount Todd and then started driving Toyota DA tip trucks carting mine extractions whilst they were waiting for the new machinery to arrive.  By November the 3rd Paul mentioned in a letter to Gwenny that he was driving a Terex so they arrived sometime before then (in another letter dated October 26th Paul was driving the tip truck still).

A Terex dump truck similar to the ones Bruce bought

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